Lenovo Change Bios Serial Number

Thank you Guys for supporting my previous video. Previous Video Link: Here i am again share with you Thinkpad Serial. How to update the machine type and model (MTM), serial number, or system brand ID of system BIOS menu – ThinkCentre, ThinkStation.
Nov 24, 2017 Lenovo serial number update Naresh Chauhan. How to Change Serial Number, Type, Model, Lenovo Thinkpad. How to Update Serial Number, Type. Here we will guide you how to enter BIOS setup on Lenovo laptops preinstalled with Windows 10/8.1/8, including Thinkpad P series, Ideapad series, Yoga series, Z series. IBM/Lenovo are kind enough to include them in their BIOS packages so it was just a matter of finding out which ones had which tools. Name Serial Number: Chassis. Create a batch file to change computer name (not on domain): use wmic bios get serialnumber and assign the value to the variable compname, then display the value of this variable; change computer name to the value of the variable compname; So for 1.: FOR /F%%F IN ('wmic bios get serialnumber') DO ( SET compname=%%F ) ECHO%compname. /word-solver-free.html.
I have a T40 that boots to a RFID error. It works fine after pushing 'Esc' but I would like to fix it. One thing that seems to have worked for some people is deleting, then re-entering the model/UUID information.Problem: Here's where I need a little help. Using the BIOS update file from IBM/Lenovo, I was able to delete the old number. I am trying to enter the new (actually the same) model number. The screen shows _____-____. The cursor is in the second (3 digit) portion of the blanks, and I can't get it over to the other side. At this point, I can only get it to accept 3 digits.
This seems like something simple.. but its 3AM over here, and I just don't see it. If anyone who's done this before could give me a tip, I'd appreciate it.Background: I have a T40 that boots to a RFID error. It works fine after pushing 'Esc' but I would like to fix it. One thing that seems to have worked for some people is deleting, then re-entering the model/UUID information.
Problem: Here's where I need a little help. Using the BIOS update file from IBM/Lenovo, I was able to delete the old number. I am trying to enter the new (actually the same) model number. The screen shows _____-____. The cursor is in the second (3 digit) portion of the blanks, and I can't get it over to the other side. At this point, I can only get it to accept 3 digits.